Sep 28, 2008

Changing Facebook status with Bash, cURL - UPDATE!

Here's a little upgrade to the Facebook script.

Changes from the old version
1. Added some error checking should now detect failed/successful logins, and update attempt.
2. writes cookies to /tmp/ instead of $HOME

Not much of a changelog I know, but I suppose this makes for pretty much all the updating that this script would require. Don't forget to check out how to run this on the iPhone, although it does seem quite unnecessary since the Facebook app is pretty good.




if [ -z "${stat}" ]
echo -e "\n\E[01musage\E[0m: \n fupdate 'your new status message'\n"
echo -e "The status should not be empty\n"
exit 1

echo -n "Trying to log in..."
pfID=`curl -L --silent -A "MOZILLA/5.0" -b ${cookie} -c ${cookie} -d "email=${email}" \
-d "pass=${pass}" -d "login=Log+In" | \
sed -nr 's/.*post_form_id" value="(\w+)".*/\1/p'`

if [ -z ${pfID} ];then echo "FAILED (no pfID)";exit 1;else echo "SUCCESS!";fi

echo -n "Trying to update..."
return=`curl --silent -L -A "MOZILLA/5.0" -b ${cookie} -c ${cookie} \
-d "post_form_id=${pfID}" -d "status=${stat}" \
-d "update=Update" | \
sed -nr 's/.*(Your status has been updated).*/\1/p'`

if [ -z "${return}" ];then echo "FAILED";exit 1;else echo "SUCCESS!";fi

if [ -e ${cookie} ]
rm ${cookie}
echo "no cookie file? something went wrong?"
exit 1


Anonymous said...

you know facebook isn't really going to like you doing this? It tried to shtdown a php based version of this some time ago. But either way this thing rocks and gets the job done.

Anonymous said...

you know facebook isn't really going to like you doing this? It tried to shtdown a php based version of this some time ago. But either way this thing rocks and gets the job done.

Anonymous said...

you know facebook isn't really going to like you doing this? It tried to shtdown a php based version of this some time ago. But either way this thing rocks and gets the job done.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the triple post,something went wrong with my browser.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the triple post,something went wrong with my browser.

Anonymous said...

sorry for the triple post,something went wrong with my browser.

Vishah said...

@Anon.This is a useful script. why would facebook not like it?. It ain't used for spamming or anything like that.

SoE said...

I don't think they really like people going outside the official API, I'm told they took out a php/cURL hack some time ago. I haven't received any threatening emails yet :)

Omar Chavira said...

Is there a current version of this? This script reports failure. I want this to update from a webpage, but just don't want to mess with the API, I'd rather do it via bash or PHP with curl.

SoE said...

please use FBCMD. It uses the API and can be pretty easily integrated into a website.

Anonymous said...

There is a new script for that on:

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