About Me


My name is Naail Abdul Rahman. (a.ka KudaNai, a.ka ShadesofEvil a.ka SoE)
Maldivian by birth - and you?

I'm a Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics graduate from the University of Mysore (was), currently living  in Male' (not right now) while I work myself up to complete my masters degree I'm a post graduate student studying Software Engineering from UCTI/APIIT, Malaysia. I am a graduate of Staffordshire University, with a Masters Degree in Software Engineering. I'm a dedicated member of MOSS (Maldives Open Source Society) and an active advocate of the benefits of FOSS - particularly to a relatively small and up-and-coming environment such as the Maldives. This does not, however, mean that I am a die-hard leftie. I support commercialisation and sale of software, and copyrights, where they apply.

I'm currently working to push the FOSS movement in the Maldives hoping to encourage large scale adoption. To this end, I've started and help maintain several open source projects related to various area's particularly concerning the Maldives. Have a look around, you'll see some of them here. CTO of my own tiny little software firm, and a part-time lecturer.

This blog is my voice in the digital abyss. I hope you sink - but not drown - in it.